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    Corrected Reticulocyte Percentage/Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI)

    Evaluates bone marrow response to anemia, often in sickle cell patients.


    This tool provides multiple calculations:

    • Absolute reticulocyte count: 
      • The number of reticulocytes in a volume of blood.
      • Use when a direct measure of red blood cell production is needed, such as in early treatment response or non-anemic conditions with altered RBC turnover.
    • Corrected reticulocyte percentage/reticulocyte index (RI): 
      • Adjusts the reticulocyte percentage to account for the degree of anemia.
      • Can be appropriate as a quick assessment of marrow response in mild to moderate anemia, where adjusting for maturation time may not be necessary.
    • Reticulocyte production index (RPI): 
      • Adjusts the reticulocyte index to account for the longer maturation time of reticulocytes released prematurely from the bone marrow.
      • Useful in moderate to severe anemia, where reticulocytes are often released early. 
    × 10⁶ cells/µL


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    Poorana Priya
    Poorana Priya
    About the creator

    Poorana Priya is a postgraduate pathologist practicing in India at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital.

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