Braden Score for Pressure Ulcers
Identifies patients at risk for pressure ulcers.
<p>Barbara Braden, PhD, was the dean of the Graduate School (1995-2006) and the College of Professional Studies (2002-2011) at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. She also established the Lois Turner and Odessie Taylor Endowed Scholarship in honor of two African American women who were pioneers in the field of nursing. Dr. Braden’s primary research focused on the development of the Braden Scale, a method for identifying patients at risk for pressure ulcers (bedsores).</p>
Nancy Bergstrom, PhD, RN, FAAN, is a retired associate dean of research at UTHealth School of Nursing and director of the Center on Aging at the University of Texas Health Science Center. She was also inducted into the Nursing Research Hall of Fame. Dr. Bergstrom’s research was focused primarily on pressure ulcer reduction.