IMDC (International Metastatic RCC Database Consortium) Risk Model for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Predicts survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with systemic therapy (also known as Heng criteria).
Use baseline factors at the start date of the current line of systemic therapy, except for the “time of diagnosis to systemic therapy” criterion, which is always relative to first-line therapy.
Use limits of normal set by the laboratory performing the tests (for hemoglobin concentration, absolute neutrophil count, platelet count, corrected calcium concentration).
Always correct calcium concentration for low albumin before scoring.
Daniel Heng, MD, MPH, is a staff medical oncologist at the Tom Baker Cancer Center in Calgary, Alberta, and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Calgary. He holds a masters of public health from Harvard University and has a keen interest in outcomes, prognostic factors, and clinical trials research in kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers. He is the chair of the Southern Alberta Genitourinary Tumor Group.
- Ziad Bakouny, MD, MSc