Calc Function

  • Diagnosis
  • Rule Out
  • Prognosis
  • Formula
  • Treatment
  • Algorithm
  • Disease
    Chief Complaint
    Organ System

    EUTOS Score for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)

    Predicts outcomes after CML treatments, specifically adjusted for tyrosine kinase treatments.


    Use in newly-diagnosed patients before starting therapy.



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    Dr. Joerg Hasford
    Dr. Joerg Hasford
    About the creator
    Joerg Hasford, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology at the University of Munich in Germany. He is the chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Bavarian Medical Association and the Working Group Medical Ethics Commissions in the Federal Republic of Germany. In 2000, he was awarded the Paul Martini Prize of the German Society of Medical computer science, Biometry and Epidemiology, Dr. Hasford has also published numerous articles and serves as an editor for Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety publication.
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    MDCalc loves calculator creators – researchers who, through intelligent and often complex methods, discover tools that describe scientific facts that can then be applied in practice. These are real scientific discoveries about the nature of the human body, which can be invaluable to physicians taking care of patients.
    Content Contributors
    • Justin Taylor, MD
    About the Creator
    Content Contributors
    • Justin Taylor, MD